Should You Replace Or Repair Your Windows?
August 30, 2022 10:32 pmAt certain times, windows will need to be replaced or repaired. So, which should you choose? Windows are an important part of any home. They let in refreshing light and clean air, and they can add a touch of style to your property. In this post, we will discuss the pros and cons of replacing versus repairing your windows, so you can make the best decision for your home!
When to Repair Your Window
There are a few instances when it might make more sense to repair your window rather than replace it. If the damage is minimal, such as a cracked pane of glass or a loose seal, then a repair is usually the best option. These types of repairs are typically quick and easy to do, and they won’t cost you very much money. Another instance when you might want to repair your window is if it’s a historic window. If your window is a part of your home’s history, then you probably don’t want to replace it. In this case, you can have the window repaired by a professional company that specializes in windows.
When to Replace Your Window
There are also a few instances when it might make more sense to replace your window rather than repair it. If the damage is extensive, such as a large crack or hole in the glass, then replacing the window is probably your best option. These types of repairs can be time-consuming and expensive, so it’s usually better to just replace the window. Another instance when you might want to replace your window is if it’s outdated. If your window is old and drafty, then it might be time for an upgrade. Replacing your old windows with new, energy-efficient windows can help to improve the comfort of your home and save you money on your energy bills.
Foggy windows are another common problem. If your windows are foggy, it’s probably because the seal has failed. In this case, you can have the window replaced or repaired. However, if you choose to have the window repaired, there’s a chance that the problem could come back. So a replacement is highly suggested for foggy windows.
So, should you replace or repair your windows? The answer depends on the situation. If the damage is minimal, then a repair is probably your best option. However, if the damage is extensive or the window is outdated, then replacing it might be your best bet. Whichever you choose, make sure to consult with a professional window and door contractor to get the best results. McCallum Aluminum Ltd is ready to help with your exterior home renovation in London, Ontario, and surrounding nearby areas. Contact us today!